Hurricane season is upon us right now. If you’re a Floridian or have lived here for a bit, you know how to prepare for and handle this season. However, if you’re new to the Florida community, there may be a few things you want to know. Shutters, water, gas cans full of extra gas, and generators are just a few things you’d want to prepare for the season. Most years florid is lucky enough to only be hit with tropical storms which are just like any other summer day…rainy, gloomy, and extra humid. Just to be on the safe side, you always want to be prepared for any storm to turn into a higher category hurricane. People outside of the sunshine state have to deal with snow, tornados, fire, etc. Here your only worry is really the water side of things. Florida is a beautiful place to live and one of the best vacation destinations. Check your evacuation routes, keep track of the weather, have your preparation check list, plan ahead and you’ll be all set for this coming hurricane season and seasons to come.